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Hoffman Batik S2355 81 Violet Square Stripe By The Yard
Hoffman California Fabrics
$ 11.95
Hoffman Batik Stepping Stones 2355 38 Burgundy Square Stripe By The Yard
Hoffman Batik Stepping Stones 2355 40 Iris Square Stripe By The Yard
Hoffman Batik Stepping Stones S2355 471 Buttercup Square Stripe By The Yard
Hoffman Batik Wine Night 2334 328 Bergen Scattered Squares By The Yard
Jordan Fabrics Batik 1046 10F Flour Basket By The Yard
Jordan Fabrics
Jordan Fabrics Batik 1123 09C Cream Basket By The Yard
Kaufman L.O.L. Surprise Totally Awesome! 20688 195 Bright L.O.L. Surprise 23" PANEL By The PANEL (not strictly by the yard)
Robert Kaufman
$ 8.95
OMBRE DIAMONDS - V and Co. Quilt Pattern VC1277
V and Co.
$ 9.95
SUGAR COOKIE - Lella Boutique Quilt Pattern
Lella Boutique
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